Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in leadership development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Ton de Graaf, Founder and Owner of Quest Coaching International, located in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in leadership development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Ton de Graaf, Founder and Owner of Quest Coaching International, located in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Updated: Feb 2, 2023
Starting this week, you can learn live from 2 of the industry’s brightest minds, the World’s #1 Business Development Coaches, Dorie Clark and Alisa Cohn!
Join them for their complimentary masterclass; Counterintuitive Secrets to Growing Your Coaching Business. Simply by attending, you can claim 1.5 complimentary CCEUs!
In this session, Dorie & Alisa will reveal their secrets to getting more clients quickly and authentically. Learn a consistent process for finding, connecting with, and selling to clients - without really feeling like you’re selling yourself at all.
Learn how to grow your coaching business by:
• Attracting the right types of coaching clients • Reframing your mindset around business development • Feeling more confident approaching and selling to potential clients • Talking about your services and offerings in new and exciting ways
If you want to uncover business development secrets from two 7-figure executive coaches, this masterclass is for you. Get key concepts you can use to grow your coaching practice immediately!
If you're interested, I highly recommend that you sign up right away. The first 3 sessions have now reached full capacity.
This education has the power to profoundly impact your coaching business. Excited to see you there!
Live and Learn,
Ton de Graaf
Executive Coach and Chartered Business Coach
Updated: Feb 3, 2021
One small virus becomes airborne in one part of the world and a few weeks later it has spread out across the globe.
One black man dies during his arrest and across the globe protests arise on police brutality and discrimination.
Just two examples of how truly globally connected we all are, and how we affect one another.
So, how do we deal with painful, and often traumatic experiences? What can we, as coaches, do to support those who are affected by it? How to we deal with loss, pain, or grief?
In this edition we try to answer those questions and offer you the tools to best support your clients in a non-judgmental and empowering manner.
But we also answer the question how we, as coaches, can best deal with painful experiences ourselves.
Some of the stories shared in this edition are very painful to read. But they need to be shared and read across the globe.
Only when we share our stories, and try to understand them, and start thinking of constructive ways to move forward together, is when healing can take place.
My heartfelt thanks go out to our contributors who freely shared their, often painful, stories and proved that being vulnerable is truly a strength.
Live and Learn, Ton de Graaf, Executive Coach, ChBC™ Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
I Can’t Breathe. By Amanda Harrinauth
Eight minutes and forty-six seconds. By Julianna Hynes, PhD, PCC
Grief and Loss – a reflection on a multiple brain approach. By Dr. Suzanne Henwood
Cultivating a Healing Space in Your Sessions. By Leon VanderPol
Questions For White People. By Jodi-Kay Edwards
The Power of Acceptance in a World of Uncertainty. By Rosie Evans
Coaching Loss, Pain, and Grief. By Rhiannon Reese
Coaching for Loss and Grief During COVID-19. By Julia von Flotow