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Reaching out.

Navigating a sudden, deep and widespread crisis, like this global pandemic, requires a level of calm, fortitude and resilience that is not called forth every day, rarely in most lifetimes.

As coaches we can support those who are in the frontline every single day. The doctors, nurses, paramedics, policemen, but also the small business owners and all those others who feel the effects of this pandemic. Let's reach out to them and show our support by offering free coaching or counseling sessions. 

Reach out to those who need our support now more than ever. 

Tips for Coaches

Listen with an open mind to their stories, allow them to share without judging. Be there for them in that moment. You don't have to solve anything.

Be a realistic optimistic. Balance planning for worst case scenarios with imagining upside possibilities for the growth and good that will emerge.

Generate grounded hope. Generate a pathway to goals to unleash the agility and ingenuity to navigate the path forward.

Never stop cultivating confidence. We are paralysed when confidence is low. Use all your coaching skills to help people have enough confidence to take the next step.

Drive resilience. All of the above, plus an intentional focus on plucking the positive experiences out of a crisis. Connect, collaborate, be grateful and compassionate, tap into your sense of adventure and purpose.

Take care of your body and health. It’s our most important asset, when a virus is our collective foe.

We will overcome this crisis, wiser, stronger, and better than ever before.

Wishing you all the best,

Ton de Graaf, Executive Coach

Quest Coaching International


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